Product Pricing

July 2024

Product Name Speed Activation Price
4th Utility Broadband - MiFi 4th Utility Broadband - MiFi N/A £19.99 £19.99 per month
Static IPv4 Address Static IPv4 Address N/A N/A £5.00 per month
30 Mbps Really Fast Broadband Really Fast 30 Mbps £19.99 £13.99 per month
50 Mbps Remarkably Fast Broadband Remarkably Fast 50 Mbps £19.99 £25.00 per month
100 Mbps Super Fast Broadband Super Fast 100 Mbps £19.99 £30.00 per month
250 Mbps Ultra Fast Broadband Ultra Fast 250 Mbps £19.99 £35.00 per month
500 Mbps Exceedingly Fast Broadband Exceedingly Fast 500 Mbps £19.99 £40.00 per month
900 Mbps Ridiculously Fast Broadband Ridiculously Fast 900 Mbps £19.99 £45.00 per month
VoIP Line with 200 mixed UK Landline & Mobile Bundle VoIP Line with 200 mixed UK Landline & Mobile Bundle N/A N/A £10.00 per month
VoIP Line with 2000 mixed UK Landline & Mobile Bundle VoIP Line with 2000 mixed UK Landline & Mobile Bundle N/A N/A £15.00 per month
VoIP Line Only (No Inclusive Calls) VoIP Line Only (No Inclusive Calls) N/A N/A £6.00 per month
Re-activation Fee
If your service is disconnected or suspended for any reason beyond our control, such as when a bill is unpaid, we may charge you a re-activation fee.
Late Payment Charge
If we don't receive your full cleared payment within five days of the payment being due, we may apply a late payment charge.
Missed Engineer Visit Charge
If you arrange with us for an engineer to visit your home for an installation or to resolve a fault but you are not home for the confirmed appointment window, and it has not been cancelled or rescheduled with at least 24 hours notice, we may apply a missed engineer visit charge.
Failed Engineer Visit Charge
If you arrange with us for an engineer to visit your home to resolve a fault but the fault is found to be caused by improper use or factors beyond our control, we may apply a failed engineer visit charge.

* Availability of products may differ per location
* Gbps/Mbps = Gigabit/Megabits per second symmetrical upload and download speed


You can cancel your service without having to pay any additional charges to us up to 14 days after the day you have placed your order. This is your cooling off period. If you do cancel within the cooling off period, we will only charge you for the services you have used.

After the cooling off period has ended, you must always give us 30 days' notice to cancel your service and you will be charged for your service for this 30 days.

If your service is provided with a minimum term, such as 12 or 24 months, you will be charged early termination charges if your 30 days notice runs out before the agreed minimum time, unless it's for reasons allowed in your contract. Check your contract for more info.

Early termination charges

In circumstances where an early termination charge would apply, the amount depends on:

  • the number of days between the end of your 30 days' notice (the "service end date") and the date your minimum contracted term ends;
  • the number of days you have already been billed for in advance;
  • the price you pay for the services you take, considering any discounts or promotions that may apply.

We then also make some deductions from that amount:

  • the costs we save as a result of your early termination, for full fibre broadband services this amount is £2.78 per month and reviewed every April;
  • a 1% early termination discount for receiving your final payment early.

Here's an example:

  • You have 900Mbps broadband at £36.00 per month, with 3 months 10 days remaining until your minimum term.
  • You give us 30 days' notice to cancel your service, you are able to continue using the service and are charged as normal for that period.
  • Early termination charges now apply to the remaining 2 months 10 days:
    • We take the VAT off £36.00, leaving us with £30.00.
    • We deduct our costs saved of £2.78, leaving us with £27.22.
      • This figure is multiplied by the 2 full months you have remaining, which is £54.44.
      • We then calculate the pro-rata amount for the other 10 days. If you left us in June, which has 30 days; 10 days divided by 30 days is 0.33, this is then multiplied by £27.22, to give us £9.06.
      • Therefore the total charge for the 2 months 10 days is £63.50 (£54.44 + £9.06).
    • We deduct a 1% early termination discount, leaving us with £62.87.
    • We then add VAT to the final amount of £62.87.
  • Your early termination charge would be £75.44.

A bill for the early termination charge will be raised once your last day of service ends (the "service end date") and will be collected from your usual payment method.