Resolved 4THU - Angel Meadows (M4)

30th May 2024 1:04pm

Dear Customers,

Description: Please be advised that we are aware of an issue affecting your developments and are investigating the issue now. We believe power to our equipment has been lost.

Impact: Total Loss Of Service

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

4th Utility Infrastructure Team

29th May 2024 10:38am

Dear Customers, 

Description: Please be advised that we are aware of an issue affecting your developments, we have been in contact with the concierge at site and have confirmed there is an ongoing power issue. We will continue to monitor the situation. 

Impact: Total Loss Of Service

We apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

4th Utility Infrastructure Team

+2hr 25m
30th May 2024 2:03pm Latest

Dear Customers, 

Description: Please be advised that we have seen service restore at 11:39am yesterday. This was due to a power incident on site. We have now montiored service and are happy this is now fully resolved.

Impact: Restored

We apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

4th Utility Infrastructure Team

+3hr 25m