Dear Customers,
Description: Please be advised that we are aware of an issue affecting your developments, our engineer will be on site within the hour to check the equipment over.
Impact: Total Loss Of Service
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
4th Utility Infrastructure Team
Dear Customers,
Description: Please be advised that we are aware of an issue affecting your developments, our engineer has checked the equipment and have identified a 3rd party fault. Our 3rd party are arranging engineers to restore service.
Impact: Total Loss Of Service
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
4th Utility Infrastructure Team
Dear Customers,
Description: Please be advised that our 3rd party engineers resolved the fault yesterday at 18:30pm and was due to a fibre fault on the network that was resolved.
Impact: Restored
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
4th Utility Infrastructure Team