Dear Customers,
Please be advised that we are aware of an issue affecting your developments.
We are currently investigating and have raised this with our 3rd party.
Impact: Total Loss Of Service
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
4th Utility Infrastructure Team
Dear Customers,
Please be advised that we are aware of an issue affecting your developments. We have extensively worked with our 3rd party to restore some customers affected on site however this has not been successful as of yet. 3rd party engineers return to site tomorrow to swap and replace some equipment and further triage the equipment further. We will further update you once this has been completed.
Impact: Total Loss Of Service
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
4th Utility Infrastructure Team
Dear Customers,
Please be advised that the issue affecting the handful of customers has now been resolved and was due to some fault equipment on site.
Impact: Resolved
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
4th Utility Infrastructure Team